You are Invited!
Your PPG inclusivity Committee will host your June New Member Orientation meeting. New and veteran members welcome.
We will start these meetings with a 30-minute PowerPoint presentation on a variety of topics and then host a live Q&A.
Topics will include:
1. Welcome to PPG
2. Meet Your Inclusivity Committee
3. What are our Guiding Principles
4. Our Code of Conduct
5. Fly Your Flag: Your Membership Certificate
6. Fly Your Flag: Your Member Badge
7. A brief review of your Membership Benefits
8. How to setup your Directory Listing
9. How to setup your Member Profile
10. Navigating your Member Area
11. The PPG Divisions explained
12. The ‘ins and outs’ of PPG Webinars & Events
13. PPG Program Overview: Project Trade
14. PPG Program Overview: The PPG Scholarship Program & Credentialing Organization
15. PPG Program Overview: Pet Dog Ambassador
16. Meet your Membership Team
17. Q&A
Please join us to say hello, get better acquainted with your benefits of membership, meet your peers or just enjoy a Chat & Chuckle!
Your Hosts - The PPG Inclusivity Committee
Aaron Jones
Angel Rowe
Lorena Patti
Debbie Sheridan
Rebekah King
Niki Tudge
Save The Dates
9:00 a.m. ET
12:00 Noon ET
5:00 p.m. ET
January 2023
9”00 a.m. ET
Before booking and paying for any event please read our event terms and conditions