November 2021: Issue 71 A Podcast of this issue of BARKS News will soon be available here. 5 More Reasons to Attend Geek Week 2021 Geek Week 2021 is in full flow and it’s still not late to sign up. The event runs till November 17 and recordings of all sessions are available for six months post event, which still allows plenty of time for you to catch up and have the chance to win one of these amazing prizes. Geek Week 2021 SWAG Bag – Special Access for PPG Members
Geek Week Gear There’s still time to get in on these limited run T-shirts, mugs and stickers designed by Woof Cultr exclusively for Geek Week 2021. Place your order soon because they'll be removed from the Woof Cultr store after December 31, 2021. Already got your gear? Post your pix and tag @petprofessionalguild and @woofcultr on Instagram! Geek Week Presenters Are Talking!
BARKS Podcast with Tasha Attwood, Dr. Jen Nesbitt-Hawes, Dr. Mindy Waite, Dr. Lisa Gunter and Dr. Melissa Starling BARKS Podcast with Sara McLoudrey, Gina Phairas, Revell Horsey and Malena DeMartini BARKS Podcast with Dr. Lisa Radosta, Melissa Taylor, Alexandra Santos, and Louise Stapleton-Frappell BARKS Podcast with Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Michelle Martiya, K. Holden Svirsky, Grisha Stewart and Jean Donaldson BARKS Podcast with Judy Luther, Leslie McDevitt, Veronica Sanchez and Dr. Karolina Westlund BARKS Podcast with Dr. Laura Donaldson, Simone Mueller, and Dr. Holly Tett. BARKS Podcast with Irith Bloom, Paula Garber, Julie Naismith, Suzanne Clothier, and Dr. Simon Gadbois BARKS Podcast with Emily Tronetti, Tracey Lee Davis, Michael Shikashio, Rain Jordan, and Nancy Tucker PPG Signs Two New Corporate Partners PPG has welcomed two new corporate partners, Atlas Assistance Dogs and Malena DeMartini. Atlas Assistance Dogs is dedicated to expanding the pool of knowledgeable and ethical service dog trainers who will be able to help individuals with disabilities train their dogs to help mitigate their disabilities and thrive every day with their dog at their side. Special PPG Member Offer: Atlas Assistance Dogs’ Trainer Academy gives experienced dog trainers the knowledge and tools needed to support their clients in the training of their service dog. Atlas is offering $100 off the program for any PPG members. For more details, see Atlas’ website.
Malena DeMartini is renowned in the dog training world for her expertise in dog separation anxiety issues. She is the author of the books Treating Separation Anxiety in Dogs, as well as Separation Anxiety in Dogs – Next-Generation Treatment Protocols and Practices. Special PPG Member Offer: Separation Anxiety - Mission: POSSIBLE is a self-paced, online course that helps pet parents and dog professionals alike in working with and understanding separation anxiety treatment. This course is available to PPG members with a $50 off coupon at checkout (see PPG Members’ Area for coupon code). Not only is this course extremely comprehensive, but students of the course can post questions, comments, and photos which we reply to daily. This lifetime access course is a must for anyone struggling with or interested in working with separation anxiety.
The Advocacy Panel’s key mission to support pet guardian education and make it accessible to a wider audience. The next live panel discussion takes place on Friday, November 26, 2021 at 3 p.m. (ET) and will be streamed live on PPG’s public Facebook Page. Topic: Your PPG Advocacy Panel at Work! "Being Nicer" While Advocating. Catch Up with All the Advocacy Panel Discussions to Date: Discussion #1 (August 27, 2021): How To Best Advocate for Positive Reinforcement Methods Listen to the podcast / Watch the video Discussion #2 (September 24, 2021): How to Reach and Work with Your Local Veterinarians Listen to the podcast / Watch the video Discussion #3 (October 22, 2021): Advocating to Let Dogs be Dogs, Cats be Cats, Equids Be Equids Listen to the podcast / Watch the video Project Trade Names September Ambassador
Congratulations to Brandi Schoenthaler of Cornerstone Dog Training LLC in Colorado, USA for exchanging two prong collars and one shock collar and who has been named Project Trade Ambassador for September 2021.
Project Trade is an international opt‐in advocacy program for PPG members that promotes the use of force‐free training equipment by asking pet guardians to trade choke, prong and shock collars (and any other aversive devices). Sign up today!
PPG Dog Lounge The PPG Dog Lounge is a virtual get together to discuss and share ideas, and each session will have a different topic. Join the PPG Dog Lounge Facebook group for more details. Note: You will be asked for a passcode when you first join. You can find the passcode here in the PPG members’ Facebook group.
The next PPG Dog Lounge will take place on Tuesday, November 23, 2021 and the discussion topic will be Adolescent Tips and Tricks.
November BARKS Now Available Online The November issue of BARKS is now available! Click here for immediate access if you're already a subscriber. If you’re not, sign up today for your free lifetime digital subscription and get instant access to the current issue, as well as all back issues, the option to print any issue on demand, and special subscriber benefits. Read the November 2021 issue of BARKS. BARKS Podcasts are now available on Anchor, from where you can select your preferred app to listen any time or download. Make sure you follow BARKS Podcasts on whichever app you choose so you can stay updated with new releases. Latest Podcasts: BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel discussing Let Dogs be Dogs, Cats be Cats, Equids Be Equids BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Presenters Tasha Attwood, Dr. Jen Nesbitt-Hawes, Dr. Mindy Waite, Dr. Lisa Gunter and Dr. Melissa Starling BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Sponsors Sara McLoudrey, Gina Phairas, Revell Horsey and Malena DeMartini Do you have something you’d like to share? Join Niki Tudge as a guest on one of our BARKS Podcasts! You too can share your knowledge and experience with PPG members and supporters! Listen to earlier BARKS podcasts. Upcoming Live Webinars: Monday, November 15 / 2 p.m. ET Scent and the Assistance Dog. Presented by Dr. Robert Hewings Friday, November 26 / 3 p.m. ET Your PPG Advocacy Panel at Work! "Being Nicer" While Advocating Discounted Webinars:
PPG is offering the following selected webinars at a discount this month - each webinar is just $15:
Member Brag - A Real Boost for Humane, Modern Science-Based Horse Training Congratulations to Melanie Watson of Instinctive Horse Training in Cottingham, UK, who recently competed amongst all the established traditional trainers in the UK, and won a national competition to be awarded Behavioral Trainer of the Year. “It is the very first time that R+, LIMA based horse training has been recognized here in the UK,” says Watson. “It's a win for us all!” The PPG Archive holds over 4,000 articles, blogs and videos. Here are some of the most recent additions: BARKS News October 2021 – PPG Improving the Recognition of Equine Affective States - Catherine Bell, Suzanne Rogers, Julie Taylor and Debbie Busby The importance of choice for your horse – Equitopia You can't hide from your cat, so don't even try - Mindy Weisberger Teenage dogs? Evidence for adolescent-phase conflict behaviour and an association between attachment to humans and pubertal timing in the domestic dog - Lucy Asher, Gary C. W. England, Rebecca Sommerville and Naomi D. Harvey Giving Horses Their Voice – What if they say No?? - Andrea Datz New this month! Why Counterconditioning “Doesn’t Work” - Angelica Steinker Examining Bird vs. Human Expectations - Sheila Blanchette The Ever-Changing World of Service Dog Training - Veronica Sanchez Saving Detainees and Dogs, One Life at a Time – Lisa Waggoner First Impressions - Yvette Van Veen
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