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To help participating members market their own businesses and support the Project Trade initiative we have developed some key pieces of marketing collateral that are fully editable so they can  personalise them with their company name and contact details. 

These marketing tools are available to purchase at discounted rates from our store. 

Below are graphics of the key pieces currently available. There are many more in the works. There is also a promotional video that can embed on approved participating member sites

These pieces of collateral can only be used by approved Project Trade participating members

Item Name

 Marketing Tool Graphic

Project Trade Badge - Approved participating member badge for display on their website 
 Promotional Tri-Fold - A piece to help market the Project Trade Program to your Veterinary Community


 Discount Card - The front and back of the 3 x 5 discount card that can be personalized and handed out to prospect clients 

 Book Mark - A double sided book mark, the perfect promotional handout at events or classes

 Rack Card with Tear Off Business Card - A double sided printed rack card with a perforated personalized tear off business card 
Fridge Magnet  
 Bumper Sticker - A promotional bumper sticker 
Let's Trade Poster - A Let's Trade poser to display in your place of business



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