Geek Week 2021 will take place on November 13-17, 2021. More details to follow soon. PPG Announces The Fearful Dogs Project as New Corporate Partner The Fearful Dogs Project is devoted to improving the world of and for fearful dogs, including feral, "semi-feral," puppy-milled, traumatized, and other marginalized and disadvantaged dogs, by guiding people through the best practices for working and living with these often misunderstood animals. Through its Fear Abatement Mastery (F.A.M.) program, The Fearful Dogs Project helps companion canines and the humans who care for them move beyond fearful responses so that they may enjoy their lives together with as little distress and as much joy as possible. The Fearful Dogs Project invites shelters, rescues, trainers, behavior consultants, veterinary professionals, animal welfare organizations, pet parents, and any others who find themselves living with or working around scared or otherwise marginalized dogs to join them. Whether by supporting, learning with, certifying with, or hiring The Fearful Dogs Project, you’ll get the help you need to move you from general knowledge to specific, transformational outcomes. Special Offer for PPG Members: 10% off the advanced Fear Abatement Mastery program for professionals seeking the Certified Fearful Dogs Professional (CFDP) certification. See the members’ area of the PPG website for further details of PPG corporate partner and special vendor offers. BARKS Needs Your Member Profile! BARKS from the Guild is looking for more member profiles to go in its popular Profile section (above). All you have to do to be featured is complete this short form and attach a photo. Great PR for you, your business, and your portfolio! Note: As far as is possible, member profiles will be featured in the order they are received. Don’t Forget the PPAB Application Fee Waiver! Effective April 1- December 31, 2020, the Pet Professional Accreditation Board (PPAB) is waiving many of its application and submission fees for PPG members. Apply today and save: Canine Training Technician – All fees waived. Save $90 Professional Canine Trainer – All fees waived. Save $90 Professional Canine Behavior Consultant – All fees waived except the proctored online examination. Save $115 If you hold an existing credential and are thinking twice about renewing, now is the time to transfer it! Save the application fee of $50 and all other submission fees until December 31, 2020. Note too that the video skill requirements for all three levels of PPAB credentials have been updated and the three study guides amended. Any new applications will be expected to adhere to these new requirements. If applicants prior to July 13, 2020 wish to work through the credential using the new criteria, they may either choose to do so or continue as they are. January BARKS Preview Available for Subscribers To get a sneak preview of what’s coming up in the January issue of BARKS (above, left), click here for immediate access if you are already a subscriber. If you are not, sign up today for your free lifetime digital subscription and get instant access to the current issue (above, right), as well as all back issues. Click here for immediate access if you are already a subscriber. If you are not, sign up today for your free lifetime digital subscription and get instant access to the current issue as well as all the back issues.![]() BARKS Podcasts are now available on Anchor, from where you can select your preferred app to listen any time or download. Make sure you follow BARKS Podcasts on whichever app you choose so you can stay updated with new releases. Latest Podcast: December 4, 2020: PPG Feline Committee chair, Paula Garber and vice-chair, Tabitha Kucera about all things feline. Topics range from pet cats and veterinary visits, to what we know we don’t know about cats, and to feral cats and the myths about cat colonies. The trio also spend some time talking about all the great things the Feline Committee is doing, including the popular Cat Lounge! The conversation rounds off with some important discussions about health and fitness for pet professionals. Listen to earlier BARKS podcasts. ![]() Upcoming Live Webinars: Thursday, December 10, 2020 / 6 p.m (EST) Understanding Aggression in Dogs. Presented by Sezan Ozgunay Thursday, December 17, 2020 / 6 p.m. (EST) Treatment Options for Dogs Showing Aggression Due to the Emotion of Fear and/or Frustration. Presented by Kris Glover Tuesday, January 12, 2021 / 1 p.m. (EST) Taking the Lead: dogbiz Tips for Making 2021 Your Best Year Yet. Presented by Veronica Boutelle Discounted Webinars: PPG is offering the following selected webinars at a discount this month - each webinar is just $15: When Theory Collides with Reality in Pet Dog Training - Jean Donaldson Fish Welfare: Why it Matters and What to Consider - Ása Johannesen A Simple Recipe for Social Media Success - Tracey Lee Davis I'm Bored Who Cares About Food Anyway? - Michelle Martiya Become The Center of Your Dogs World Using Canine Interactive Play - Craig Ogilvie The PPG Archive holds over 3,600 articles, blogs and videos. Here's a small sample of the type of content you can find there: Boundary Training: No Fence, No Problem – Judy Luther A List Of Things That Shock Collars Are Not – Kristi Benson Simply Shocking – Pat Miller Dogs Evaluate Threatening Facial Expressions by Their Biological Validity – Evidence from Gazing Patterns - Sanni Somppi, Heini Törnqvist, Miiamaaria V. Kujala, Laura Hänninen, Christina M. Krause, Outi Vainio Dogs Can Discriminate Emotional Expressions of Human Faces - Corsin A. Müller, Kira Schmitt, Anjuli L.A. Barber, Ludwig Huber How to Introduce a Second Cat – Pam Johnson-Bennett A computational model for the modulation of the prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle reflex - David Fernando Ramirez-Moreno, Terrence Joseph Sejnowski Influence of housing conditions on beagle behavior - Suzanne Hetts, J. Derrell Clark, Janet P. Calpin, Cheryl E. Arnold, Jill M. Mateo Social referencing and cat–human communication - I. Merola, M. Lazzaroni, S. Marshall-Pescini, E. Prato-Previde Long-term stress levels are synchronized in dogs and their owners - Ann-Sofie Sundman, Enya Van Poucke, Ann-Charlotte Svensson Holm, Ashild Olsen Faresjö, Elvar Theodorsson, Per Jensen & Lina S. V. Roth 6 common medical problems that can masquerade as bad behaviour in your cat or dog - Danielle Hodges Reward-Based Dog Training Isn’t Just for Sunny Days – Zazie Todd Horses Blink Less, Twitch Eyelids More When Stressed, U of G Researchers Find – University of Guelph Carl Safina Is Certain Your Dog Loves You - Claudia Dreifus New this month! Dog Training in “3D”: Harnessing the Concepts of Distance, Duration and Distractions – Joan Hunter Mayer How Good Are You at Assessing Your Animal’s Emotional State? - Dr. Karolina Westlund What Makes a Cat a Cat? - Dr. Liz Bales 8 Pawsome Autumn/Fall Tips for Dog Guardians - Anna Bradley Puppy House Training 101 - Sally Bradbury Dudley the Wonder Fish - Sharon Empson The Giveaway: On the Loss of a Beloved Pet - Daniel Antolec
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