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Let the world know that you support the Shock-Free Coalition. Click here for the PDF document or copy and paste from below. You will find the email pitch and the News Release to include.

Email Pitch:


I wanted to alert you to a global initiative, the Shock-Free Coalition, whose petition I, as a [dog trainer, groomer, veterinarian, pet owner, etc.] have signed and am very proud to support. Led by the Pet Professional Guild (PPG), an international member association for animal behavior and training professionals, the Shock-Free Coalition aims to end the practice of using electric shock to train and care for pets.

It is astounding that in the 21st century it is still completely legal in many countries for pet owners to deliver an electric shock to a collar worn by their cat or dog via the simple press of a button from a remote control. It is especially astounding that shocking pets is even legal, when countless studies, conducted by veterinary scientists and canine behavior specialists, indicate that using pain and fear to train animals can cause physical injury, as well as a host of psychological issues that may include their becoming fearful of other animals and people — and potentially aggressive towards them as a result.

I would greatly appreciate your help in sharing news of this worthy campaign to your readers. Pet owners are not always aware of the potential fallout of training methods such as these, and it is PPG’s mission to educate them so they can make better choices for their pet’s well-being.

Do let me know if you require any further information.

Best regards,

[insert your name, title and credentials here]

[Insert your organization name here]



Email Subject Line:

The Shock-Free Coalition aims to end the use of electric shock for training pets

Press Release:

[Insert your name or organization name here] Joins the Pet Professional Guild’s #ShockFreeCoalition

to End the Use of Electric Shock as a Training Tool for Pets

Global Advocacy Campaign, Join us Today. Sign The Pledge!

Month XX, 2017, CITY, ST: For the welfare of pets and those around them, and to improve the relationship people have with them, the Pet Professional Guild (PPG), an international member association for animal behavior and training professionals, has launched a global advocacy campaign and website to end the practice of using electric shock to train, manage, and care for pets. [Insert your name or organization name here] is proud to sign onto this worthy initiative in hopes of helping the pets of [City, State].

PPG’s #ShockFreeCoalition launched on September 25 – October 1, 2017 with a wide-ranging series of educational and promotional activities. It came at a time when animal behavior and emotions are being researched more than ever before. Countless studies, conducted by veterinary scientists and canine behavior specialists worldwide, indicate that using pain and fear to train animals risks causing physical injury, as well as a host of psychological issues that may include a pet becoming fearful of other animals and people — and potentially aggressive towards them as a result.

Global leaders in the animal welfare, veterinary, behavior and training worlds — such as celebrity dog trainer, Victoria Stillwell; best-selling author and ethologist, Marc Bekoff Ph.D.; and renowned author, veterinarian and certified applied veterinary behaviorist, Dr. Karen Overall — have lent their voices to the #ShockFreeCoalition to help educate pet owners and professionals on the dangers of these devices.

[Suggested quote. Feel free to craft one of your own instead:] “Our goal is to spread the word about the dangers of electric shock collars, and teach people in our community about effective, humane ways to train and care for their pets, to keep everyone safe, healthy and happy,” said [insert your name, title and name of your organization.]

In addition to hosting a pledge document for signatures, the #ShockFreeCoalition’s website (www.shockfree.org) will be a clearinghouse of position statements, scientific studies, articles, videos and research on the dangers of electric shock. The site will also provide guidance on humane training practices and how to find educated pet care professionals who use scientifically-informed, humane, force-free practices.

The #ShockFreeCoalition on Social Media

To participate in the campaign on social media or learn more about it, use the #ShockFreeCoalition hashtag and follow PPG on Facebook (facebook.com/PetProfessionalGuild) and Twitter (@PetGuild).

About [Insert your organization name here]

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