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July 2021: Issue 67

Listen to the July 2021 Edition of BARKS News

Geek Week Specials for Shelter and Rescue

PPG, along with its Geek Week co-hosting organizations, is passionate about the efforts and hard work animal shelter and rescue organizations make to help rehome and support animals in need. While PPG has a special membership level for Shelter and Rescue groups, it is now furthering its commitment to their cause by honoring their efforts.

The underlying theme for Geek Week 2021 – The Sequel is “The Love of Rescue,” where it will bring attention to the underdogs of second chances. This includes:

  • Each presenter being granted 3 FREE tickets to assign to a rescue organization of their choice. If they do not have a preference, then the tickets will supplement our Rescue and Shelter Scholarship Program allocation.
  • In August, PPG will roll out the Shelter and Rescue Scholarship Program where recipients will receive Geek Week 2021 tickets. There will be a short application form to complete before the presidents of our co-hosting organizations judge the applicants and announce the winners.
  • Shelter and Rescue teams will receive a group rate for tickets as follows:

·   $100 per person for groups of 4 or more (50% discount).
·   $70 per person for groups larger than 8 (75% discount).

Geek Week Chat

The Geek Week virtual platform will also be configured to provide a special chat area for rescue and shelter folks. On this thread, you can promote fundraising opportunities, promote responsible adoptions, and network with trainers in your geographical area to establish connections for the future. 

In the meantime, check out the Pet Rescue Resource, which offers free training and behavior tool kits for shelter and rescue organization.

PPG’s virtual event Geek Week, taking place on November 13-17, 2021, is now open for registration.

Sign up now for your special Early Bird Rate of $200 for hosting organization members and $250 for public admission.

SAVE $50! Early Bird signups are available till July 31, 2021 only!

Register for Geek Week

Follow Geek Week – The Event on Facebook.

PPG has released the Schedule and Session Descriptions for Geek Week 2021. Dig in, highlight your favorites and register today!

Geek Week 2021 features:

  • More than 90 events with live Q&A sessions.
  • Educational content streaming 24 hours a day over 5 days.
  • Academic, Behavior and Consulting tracks – Learn your ABCs.
  • 70 top notch, internationally renowned speakers.
  • 28 academics, 29 behavior experts and 13 consulting specialists.
  • Virtual “Geeked-Up” Cocktail Party – Get fancy, network, and win prizes.
  • Exhibitor sessions – Meet live and face-to-face.
  • Meet the authors – Get the details on what’s between the covers.
  • Payment plans - Pay over 4 months.

    All this delivered on an easy-to-use, innovative platform giving you one-click access to your events. 

Geek Week 2021 Awards First Scholarship Tickets

Congratulations to Geek Week 2021 scholarship ticket recipients Lizelle Chapman, Mimi Tello, Adam Skandarani and Ann Christmas! Scholarship tickets are awarded by PPG’s Inclusivity Committee to the BIPOC community.

Apply for your Geek Week Scholarship

Application Submission Dates (submit your application between these date ranges)

June 12-25, 2021 / July 12-25, 2021 / August 12-25, 2021 / September 12-25, 2021 / October 12-25, 2021

Scholarship Notification Dates (successful applicants will be notified by these dates)

June 30, 2021 / July 30, 2021 / August 30, 2021 / September 30, 2021 / October 30, 2021

PPG Dog Lounge

Following the success of the PPG Feline Committee’s Cat Lounge, the PPG Canine Committee has started hosting a Dog Lounge for PPG members only. The Dog Lounge is a virtual get together to discuss and share ideas, and each session will have a different topic. Join the PPG Dog Lounge Facebook group for more details. Note: You will be asked for a passcode when you first join. You can find the passcode here in the PPG members’ Facebook group. The next Dog Lounge will take place on Tuesday, July 27, 2021.

PPG Cat Lounge

The next All About Cats Call-In Lounge will be July 20 at 7:45 p.m. (ET). The topic this month will be, "It drives me crazy when ..." Everyone will get a chance to fill in the blank, but please keep it about cats/clients/behavior consulting. The Lounge is open to all PPG members. Please check the PPG All About Cats Facebook group for further details.

Project Trade Names May Ambassador

Congratulations to Tabitha Davies of All Big Canines in California, USA for exchanging six shock collars and one prong collar, and who has been named Project Trade Ambassador for May 2021.

Congratulations, too, to Trista Miller of Polite Paws in Indiana, USA for exchanging three prong collars and two shock collars, and to Margie Wiesman of Island Dog Training in Alabama, USA for exchanging one shock collar.

Project Trade is PPG's advocacy program whereby members exchange aversive training gear.

Find out how Project Trade can help your business in Helping Dogs, Helping Families.


PPAB Application Fee Waiver Extended!


Don't forget, the Pet Professional Accreditation Board (PPAB) has extended its application and submissions fee waiver until July 31, 2021.

Apply today and save:

Canine Training Technician – All fees waived. Save $90

Professional Canine Trainer – All fees waived. Save $90

Professional Canine Behavior Consultant – All fees waived except the proctored online examination. Save $115

If you hold an existing credential and are thinking twice about renewing, now is the time to transfer it! Save the application fee of $50 and all other submission fees until July 31, 2021.

Discount codes are available in your member area.


Upcoming Facebook Live Sessions

Chat Chuckle and Learn Sessions with PPG president Niki Tudge - save the dates!

Friday, July 16, 2021 / Noon (ET): Dr. Zazie Todd, animal behavior expert and award-winning author of Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy, and creator of the Companion Animal Psychology blog.

Check the PPG Facebook group for all live events and to join live sessions.


July BARKS Now Available


The July issue of BARKS is now available! Click here for immediate access if you are already a subscriber. If you are not, sign up today for your free lifetime digital subscription and get instant access to the current issue, as well as all back issues.

BARKS from the Guild, PPG’s bimonthly official trade publication, is looking for new writers to contribute on both a regular and an ad hoc basis. BARKS is all about pet professionals sharing their individual knowledge and experience with others as we work to grow the force-free community and spread the message. BARKS’ online audience is comprised tens of thousands of pet professionals and pet guardians all over the world; being featured in BARKS is great for your business, for your fellow pet professionals, and for the clients and pets we serve! Please read the BARKS FAQs page for more information on submitting articles or contact the editor for further details.

BARKS Podcasts are now available on Anchor, from where you can select your preferred app to listen any time or download. Make sure you follow BARKS Podcasts on whichever app you choose so you can stay updated with new releases.

Latest Podcasts:

BARKS Podcast with Helen Phillips and Jules Morgan of PPG corporate partner 
Gundog Trainers Academy 
chat about positive gundog training and the increasing demand for ethical gundog training, as well as all the great work they are doing in the UK (July 9, 2021).

BARKS News – June 2021 edition.

Do you have something you’d like to share? Join Niki Tudge as a guest on one of our BARKS Podcasts! You too can share your knowledge and experience with PPG members and supporters!

Listen to earlier BARKS podcasts.

Upcoming Live Webinars:

Stress, Recuperation Rates and Elizabethan Collars - Let's Smash the 'Cone of Shame' and Replace it with the 'Sunflower Shield'. Presented by Louise Stapleton-Frappell

Wednesday, July 28 / 11 a.m. EDT

The Adolescent Period of Development and Its Implications for Behavior/Dog-Owner Relationships. Presented by Dr. Naomi Harvey

Thursday, July 29 / 2 p.m. EDT

It Takes a Village: The Team Approach to Treating Emotional Disorder in Dogs. Presented by Dr. Lisa Radosta

Monday, August 9 / 4 p.m. EDT

Evidence-Based Practice for Animal Professions (Critical Appraisal or How to Read a Paper): Part Two. Presented by Dr. Morag Heirs

Tuesday, August 10 / 12 p.m. EDT

Discounted Webinars:

PPG is offering the following selected webinars at a discount this month - each webinar is just $15:

Learn How to Reduce Stress in Dogs During Grooming

Michelle Martiya

Canine Cognitive Dysfunction: What Dog Trainers and Owners Need To Know

Eileen Anderson

Inbound Marketing for Non-Marketers

Sam Mallikarjunan

Maintaining Quality Control As Your Business Grows

Brittany Alwerud

Errorless Learning: Setting Up For Success

Kate Mallatratt


The PPG Archive holds over 3,950 articles, blogs and videos. Here are some of the most recent additions:

The Trouble With Drives - Daniel Estep and Suzanne Hetts

Think Your Dog Has A "Guilty" Look? Think Again - Julie Hecht

Fearful to Friendly (F2F): a Constructional Fear Treatment for Domestic Cats Using a Negative Reinforcement Shaping Procedure in a Home Setting - Angela Drake Rentfro

Risk factors for aggression in adult cats that were fostered through a shelter program as kittens - Kristina A. O’Hanley, David L.Pearl, Lee Niel

What Does ‘Licking and Chewing’ in Horses Mean? - Sue McDonnell

Goodbye to a Good Friend: An Exploration of the Re-Homing of Cats and Dogs in the U.S. - Emily Weiss, Shannon Gramann, C. Victor Spain, Margaret Slater

The Physics of Emotion: Candace Pert on Feeling Go(o)d - Joshua Freedman

Rage Syndrome in DogsPat Miller

The seductive lure of curiosity: information as a motivationally salient reward - Lily FitzGibbon, Johnny King L Lau, Kou Murayama

HUMPING: Why Do Dogs Do It?
- Julie Hecht

Blazing Clickers - Steve Martin & Susan G. Friedman

Systematic desensitization – essential to reducing fear - Dr. Karolina Westlund

What Can Ethobehavioral Studies Tell Us about the Brain's Fear System? - Blake A Pellman Jeansok J Kim

Are domestic dogs able to calm conspecifics by using visual communication – Angelo Gazzano, Chiara Mariti, F. Papi, C. Falaschi, S. Foti, Michele Ducci

4 reasons why habituation is not a good choice of technique to reduce fear at the vet’s - Dr. Karolina Westlund

Sign tracking: What is it, and what does it have to do with clicker training horses? - Robin Foster

Monkey the Cat Hunts for Dinner - Ben Millam

Tonic immobility: effects of dopamine receptor blockade and stimulation
- L B WallnauC L Carnrike JrG I Dewey

One of the 5 most important words in animal training: counterconditioning
- Dr. Karolina Westlund

Enrichment Gone Wrong!
- Valerie J. Hare, Beth Rich, and Karen E. Worley

Dopamine receptors and learned helplessness in the rat - An autoradiographic study - Martin L. Kram, Gerald L. Kramer, Patrick J. Ronan, Mark Steciuk, Frederick Petty

Dog owners: to pet or not to pet during thunderstorms or fireworks
- Dr. Karolina Westlund

Stress? Fear? Or “Displacement Behavior”? - Patricia McConnell

Jack Russell Terrier (JRT) Aggression When Blowing in Face - Dr. Sophia Yin

To feed or not to feed: Counterconditioning in the veterinary clinic
- Dr. Karolina Westlund

BARKS News – June 2021 – PPG

View the complete PPG Archive.

New this month!

Meet Geek Week 2021 – The Sequel - PPG

Lessons in Empathy - Kathy Wolff

5 Ways to Streamline Your Business as a Pet ProfessionalPocketSuite

The Problem with “Furry Little Humans” - Andrea Carne

It’s All in the Management - Dr. Morag Heirs

Stress-Free Car Travel with Your Dog - Anna Bradley

Case Study: From Reactive to Relaxed - Dr. Sheryl L. Walker


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* BARKS from the Guild: back issues

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* BARKS Podcasts

* Corporate Partners

* Equine Resources

* Feline Resources

* Geek Week 2021

* Pet Dog Ambassador

* Pet Professional Accreditation Board

* PPG All about Cats Facebook Group

* PPG All about Horses Facebook Group

* PPG Archive (links to over 3,600 articles, blogs and studies and growing daily)   

* PPG Australia

* PPG British Isles

* PPG Education Scholarship Program

* PPG Educational Resources: webinars and workshops

* PPG Member Discussion Board (note: you must be logged in)

* PPG Newsroom

* PPG on Facebook

* PPG on Instagram

* PPG on Twitter

* PPG Position Statements

* PPG Shelter and Rescue Facebook Group

* Project Trade

* Shelter and Rescue Resources

* Shock-Free Coalition

All content copyright 2020. The Pet Professional Guild . All rights reserved. The PPG is a 501 c 6 Non Profit organization
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