Are you interested in training a service dog for yourself or a family member of a person with a disability? Are you a therapist, doctor, or other health care worker who has been approached by clients or patients about getting a service dog or emotional support animal? Are you a pet dog trainer who would like to learn more about what is involved with training a service dog? This webinar is for you!
The workshop covers questions like:
Is it better train your own service dog or apply to a program for a fully trained dog? What are the benefits and drawbacks to each? What is the fastest way to get a service dog? What is the most affordable way to get a service dog?
Which laws apply? What's the difference between service animals and emotional support animals? Are there laws that effect where I can bring my service-dog-in-training?
What is the training process? Can I start training assistance tasks right away? Should I bring my puppy everywhere to set the stage for public access training? When is the right time to consult with a professional service dog trainer?
Answers to your other questions!
Service Dog Definitions, Terminology, and Laws
Challenges of Service Dogs
Pros & Cons of Owner-Training vs a Program Service Dog
The Path (Pyramid) of Owner Training
Finding Trainers or Programs
About Your Presenter
Sharon Wachsler CPDT-KA, KPA-CTP is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer and Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner with more than 25 years of experience in the disability community. Before she began her second career as a dog trainer, Sharon was a disability information and referral specialist and service dog owner-trainer, as well as the founder of the Assistance Dog Blog Carnival, a writer for the International Association of Assistance Dog Partners newsletter, and the blogger for the popular service-dog trainer's blog, After Gadget. Sharon opened At Your Service Dog Training in Wendell, MA, in 2014, offering private training, consulting, and group classes to service dog owner-trainers. Sharon is an experienced presenter and writer on service dog topics and enjoys consulting with and speaking to trainers, owners, and community groups about service dogs and their training.
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