Presented by Tabitha Davies
Are you looking at starting a training program inside a daycare or maybe you already have one? There are many challenges that can face a trainer that trains inside a facility. Front renting the space to agreeing on boundaries for what your role is while you are there. How to keep your students and the daycare safe while you are using their space.
For trainers who are looking at working for a daycare facility or already work for one that is not quite functioning this webinar is designed to teach you how to implement your programs while designing a successful daycare program that lessens stress on the dogs. If you're responsible for staff development learn how to help train staff to keep dogs safe, and properly dispense advice to owners or direct them to the trainer.
When dealing with owners of a facility who are not trainers or pet professionals how to keep yourself professional and avoid potential issues with daycare or training programs.
Your Presenter
Tabitha Davies is a certified dog trainer (C.D.T.), Associate Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (ACDBC), Certified Veterinary Assistant, a Certified Pet Nutritional Specialist, and she also holds certificates in Animal Psychology, Canine Etiology, and Animal Behavior/Welfare.
Tabitha was born and raised in a small town in Ontario, Canada. During high school Tabitha she started rescuing dogs and cats, obtaining veterinary care, and finding homes for them. She quickly learned that people did not want to adopt untrained dogs. This encouraged Tabitha to study clicker training and Karen Pryor's training methods.
in August of 2008 she started the CVDC ( to provide an affordable fully force free option that is scientifically proven to be more successful than any other methods with less owner output and more consistency to the dogs and their humans of our valley.
Tabitha now owns the CVDC as well as the daycare, indoor dog park, dog training, pet retail, and staff development of the Dog Park Services at Venus De Fido in Palm Desert (
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