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Deaf Dog Activities Presented by Morag Heirs

  • Friday, May 26, 2017
  • 2:00 PM
  • Thursday, May 26, 2022
  • 3:30 PM
  • Recorded Webinar


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Presented by Morag Heirs

CEUs PPAB 1.5. IAABC 1.5. CCPDT 1.5.

Deaf Dog Activities - adapting agility, scentwork, canicross and rally obedience for deaf dogs

This webinar will provide an overview of working with deaf (and visually impaired) dogs in class and 1-2-1 situations and answer common questions about choosing signs, reward markers and vibration collars.

We’ll then move on to consider some of the more popular dog sports (Rally/Competition Obedience, Agility, TD Scentwork, Cani-cross and more) and explore how to adapt foundation skills training to suit the needs of deaf dogs. Where possible we’ll use video examples, and there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions.

Webinar Objectives
  • Appreciate how deaf dogs’ learning needs may differ from hearing dogs, and where visual impairment fits into the picture
  • Consider adaptations to class layout which will benefit deaf dogs (and hearing dogs)
  • Understand how to teach the core skills for the following disciplines to a deaf dog: TD Rally/Competition Obedience, Agility, TD Scentwork, Cani-cross and more

About The Presenter

Morag K Heirs PhD, MSc, MA(hons)(SocSci), PGCAP

Director of Well Connected Canine Ltd (York, UK), Morag leads a team of trainers and behaviourists working in private practice and with rescue organisations across the North of England. Morag has an extensive academic background in psychology (including how animals, and humans, learn) and evidence-based practice and further qualifications in teaching.

Adopting her first deaf collie in 2006 led her to explore the world of deaf dogs, and she is now the behaviour advisor for the Deaf Dog Network (UK). Alongside her regular behaviour work, Morag provides deaf dog specific advice to behaviourists and trainers via articles, videos and private mentoring. In her spare time, Morag competes in TD Rally with her deaf/part blind collie Bronte and enjoys challenging trail races with her dogs – she hopes to complete her second Ultra (55miles) in 2017.

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